About Me

(in about 162 words)


I am a year 2 BEng student in University of Birmingham, studying Electronics and Electrical Engineering. I am currently interested in Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision and Robotics. I am currently learning Lie Theory and Algebra. I plan to apply for a summer research internship and pursue a Phd candidate in the future. I am expected to finish my BEng degree program in 2025.

Some history

  • I rarely write memo, so there is currently no history.

I like

  • Aero planes
  • Robots
  • Tanks
  • Trains
  • Summer
  • Drawing
  • Video games
  • Animation

Travel / Geography

  • I am originally from Guangzhou, China.
  • In 2013, I have a short trip to Tailand.
  • I am now living in Birmingham, England.

Fun facts

  • I have a list of thousands of ideas, like creating matching bow ties for cats and humans.
  • I almost always have a sketchbook with me.
  • I love animation artworks.

I dream of

  • Inspiring and feeling inspired.
  • Treating every individual with genuine kindness and respect.
  • Staying curious.
  • Continually improving.